Moving Forward - Real, Imagery and Symbolic
I wonder what is it that prompts a person to end speech? Could it be anger, frustration or something like the end of love? Could it even be that the love was somehow driving one mad as Lacan may suggest? (Lacan, 1953-1954, Book I, Freud's Papers on Techniques).
I'm never that far away you know, either I'm preoccupied with client work or trying to get my head around some complicated theory in psychology that kind of makes sense in my world or has some relation to an experience that I can relate to, that gives me an ah ha expression, even though one cannot say definitively that's the reason of the quest for why.
The question now is who really wants the end of love? Maybe a dependent person in fear of loosing love one day. The thing is how certain is consistentency of love in the subjective form that one may idealise it? Is this a trick question! In my view, howsoever it feels good, enjoy it while it lasts.
J. Forrester and J. Miller (1988), The Seminars of Jacques Lacan, Cambridge University Presss, UK