Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Libidinal Love

Once upon a time I had an
Earlier object
Then another object joined in

They seemed to just frustrate me
And somehow annoy the
Cathexis I had in them

I suddenly realised that I had
Somehow been duped
Into falling in love with the wrong objects

Fortunately not too much
Damaged had been done
But it seems that the fun had just begun

I understand it as the birth of
My striving for pleasure
That was unbeknown to me

I experienced fluctuations
Of love and hate
Sometimes it was so confusing

I did sometimes rather wonder
Whether this cathexis was better
Off invested in Me

But then I learnt of the concept of
Narcissism and inferiority
If I over did the libidinal withdrawal

I suppose at times it was less
Painful to invest the libidinal
Energy in Me

But then I discovered the
Notion of object-choice
And so the cycle returned

Energy invested in an Other,
Hate, love and fluctuations
Of annoyance

Envy, jealousy, anger
And all the other psychic
Signals all over again

I suppose when I think about it now
The best bit was carthesis :
When the fusion was satisfied.

Copyright (c) Jennifer Hooper 2009



Extract taken from my Major Theory Essay  2009-2010, (c) Jennifer Hooper 2009

The concept of narcissism in terms of psychosis, neurosis, and borderline states could generally be described as an over pre-occupation with oneself, a kind of extreme self-admiration or vanity. However, most theorists agree that that the earliest form of narcissism could be regarded as normal, as pointed out in an overlooked essay by Otto Rank 1911, Sandler et al (1991, p.57). However, different types of later narcisstic development could be regarded as extreme, that is psychotic or a borderline state. It could be likened to a withdrawal from external reality, withdrawal from the world or flight from internal objects, that is, representations of people, that include significant others, such as primary caregivers and family members. Extreme cases could amount to oscillations between these states or even both...

NB. If you use my work posted here, in your essay or in any other form please state the source. At all other times all rights reserved.  Author and copyright (c) Jennifer Hooper 2009.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Updated 15th August 2011

Dear Visitor

If this is the first time that you have visited this Blog Spot and you need to know a bit more about my work then you have come to the right place.  Without going into too much detail my interest in writing resumed in 2007, triggered by a traumatic domestic event.  I look back now and realise that my dreams then were not just the residue of the day, but actually nightmares in the form of powerful phantasies.  I was quite skeptical of one-to-one counselling but knew I had to talk to someone about my internal world for support. 

I had quite forgotten that I used to write poetry when I was a little girl and that my writing was some kind of big secret about the goings on in my inner world.  I hardly realised at the time that I was communicating with my unconsicous mind, yes I now know I was quite ego-conscious.  I suppose I did this for years because I felt that no one was really listening to me except myself.  Sometimes I wish that I could re-write my "childhood" as if like magic but then I would probably have no reason to write this blog if everything in this world was perfect. (Sigmund Freud)

Obviously this is not everything in a nutshell about me, neither will anyone ever know everything about me let alone themselves.  So bringing things up-to-date, I present myself as a contemporary Online Writer, and for business, with a background as an Integrative Psychodynamic Counsellor. People who know me and have engaged with me now find that my personal development has evolved into a dynamic Therapist-Coach, in the voluntary, private sector and in private practice.  I have 3 children and find reading, writing and business, more interesting than watching television.  This may lead out of interest, in us considering the 'ins and outs' of introversion, when reading is quite a normal past time, however, there are plenty of books on the subject in the library! and Carl Jung already has much to say on the subject.  In the meantime, to 'wet your appetite' on a subject that in my view has had much debate, you can view my short article on Narcissism, of which introversion is an aspect and realise the facination in this major subject for yourself. However, from my research it is the development of narcissism normally that's healthy and there being a balance of introversion or extroversion, rather than extremes. (Carl Jung).

Even going further back in history there is my interest and achievement in Information Systems Management BSc and Foundation Degree in Ecommerce.  Yet here I am now as a Graduate from Goldsmiths, University of London as a Profile Post Graduate Student, having achieved the MA, PGDip in Counselling.  Believe it or not a lecturer at Kingston University once asked me "what are you going to do now"?  My reply was, "study psychology or counselling".  He was flabergasted, however, I had a plan.

Since 2007, I resumed writing, taken up in the form of a kind of spontaneous creativity in therapy, as a dynamic form of Creative Writing.  It became a carthartic form of self-help therapy and learnings tool, to develop a more thorough understanding of theoretical concepts and process my own 'object relatings'. (Melanie Klein).  In order to develop my innovative creative writing, I removed the tv from my bedroom and I had become deeply absorbed into all sorts of psychology and literary books, journals and marketing ideas, including this idea of starting this blog and reactivating an online bookstore, from Kingston University days, that I had set up in my Ecommerce lecture!

Where am I going?

Well I have ingeniously written a book using 'psychotherpy thought', that I wish to get published, once I have finished the editing. I hardly realised that I had started writing a book in 2007, as I progressed in my studies in psychology and as the pages grew it seemed obvious to compile it into something.   Yes, my personal autobiography, with a deeper analysis of my thoughts through creative writing, underpinned by psychotherapy.  I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this kind of work and how much I wish to publish my works. I have started my second book, so it makes sense exploring the possibility of doing something more about my first book, making it available to readers that find the work facinating. 

My day work finds me as an Independent Psychodymanic Counsellor, at NHS PCT GP Surgeries and at a Women's Refuge in London, as a High Risk Domestic Violence Practitioner.   The rest of my time is spent very much in private practice as a Therapist-Coach, at Jennifer Hooper Enterprise, a business that brings all my skills under one umbrella, with my Organic-Echo business.  Its all about cutting edge mind and mind body therapies and energy-holistic pschology.  As a Change Agent too, it also helps my clients to focus on what they want to change and how they can realise their goals to be the person they have always wanted to be and reach their full potential, which took me some time to realise for myself and much pain. www.jenniferhoopercounsellor.co.uk

This blog can help readers to understand the mutations of change in the cycles of human development and behaviours.  Later and as time goes on, we can discover together the  benefits of engaging with a Therapist-Coach, the power of choices, change and putting pen to paper about your own world.

Why Counselling and Creative Therapy?

I found that after testing  and working through one-to-one counselling with my own Psychotherapist,  it did help me to explore, at a much deeper level,  my thoughts, feelings, behaviours, wishes and desires, at a level that I had not quite experienced before.   More importantly, it helped me to develop the "art" of listening to my 'internal voice' or as some may say 'self talk', using a special kind of analytical ego-consiousness. (Carl Jung). This can be particularly hard where issues of defences such as resistance might surface. (Sigmund Freud).  It is hard work persuing this journey of personal development and definately a task that I would say is worthwhile, and here I am talking to you.  In time you can get to know me through my work and discover for yourself how creativity can help you further with personal development, as it did me, by writing down what was going on in my head.  In a graceful way 'words' seemed to flow and make sense on paper and even if it sounded like nonsense, I still found something useful in the internal dialogue. (Erickson) (Lacan). Whatever you decide to do, you can visit this blog for information on psychotherapy, psychology, counselling, therapy, coaching and creative writing.  Do please return.

The creative writing reflects phantasies, fantasy and reality as snippet reflections of my internal world.  I realise that your internal world is also unique and can never be the same as mine, but in this 'space' we might find some things in common, and we may have encountered some similar experiences!  Even if this is not the case, we all experience anxiety in different forms and different levels, therefore, at some point and maybe in this space there can be an opportunity to dissolve a problem, or shed a bit more light on it, in terms of regaining personal power.

I like you already having read this far on this post.  Maybe we can learn about human relationships together, the negatives and positives, the unpleasure and pleasure, and also learn from what could amount to mistakes that we encounter from time to time and preserve these learnings!!! One thing though that has hooked my attention is the origins and significance of 'love' in human psychology, in my view a rather complex phenomenon, and a very important one, something that we all seem to persue as probably our highest intention, however with behaviours that sometimes may have bizarre outcomes.

Although, my creative writing is only one aspect of my therapy 'bag of tools' in client work, I do naturally have quite a dynamic open dialogue approach, as a Therapist-Coach, with clients, as a model, using intergrative psychodymanic and analytical techniques, focussing  on the client's agenda.  My Energy Coaching surgeries are known to have accellerated positive outcomes.  Howsoever you engage with me, the emphasis is being "on the client" to arrive at their own satisfaction of self-discovery in therapy.  www.jenniferhooper-wellbeingcoach.co.uk

By creativity you can be the best that you can ever be, the person you want to be and in being you can live.  For life is for living and enjoying and not forgetting that we are all responsible for ourselves and in taking responsibility the least we can do is want the same for others. Can't we. (c) Jennifer Hooper 2010.

Yours truly


PS.  You can start your own process of individuation now. Here are some book that I find interesting that you might find interesting too.


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