Sunday, April 02, 2017

How to Deal With Anxiety - An Interim Guide

You may wonder where had I been for some time.  Well, I stumbled on EAP Counselling; Employer Assistance Programs over 5 years ago .  This is where employers take responsibility for occupational health and wellbeing as a business legal requirement and it may also have an added benefit of reducing litigation costs!

In this time, I have seen the rise in these programs over the internet and businesses in the UK promising to meet service level agreements (SLA's).  I wonder now if much of this is spiriling out of control?  Maybe it's something for me to write about in a book.  It's interesting though how someone thought that they could  tap into an elaborate Affilliate program of hiring niche Private Practitioners not only to drive these calls and cases down but to take on the more complex and possible psychiatric case on,  all under their umbrella of their business of course.   Yes, you could be really taking to someone like me.

Well the poetry is still in me, although I decided to get some all important motivational publications on Mental Health issues out into the world first, starting with How to Deal with Anxiety - An Interim Guide, self published 13 March 2017 on Kindle Book format.

This first publication is written for a number of reasons, the first one is in the Preface in the book, but the more important reason is to reach out to You if you suffer from anxiety and stress in your personal and professional working life.

You might be thinking, 'are you up on a Sunday morning re-igniting this blog site'?  Of course I am. The idea of Creative Counselling Therapy has been talked about  me since 2010.  Where some lecturers I have come in contact with may not recognise it, I promote it and will continue to promote it in my Projective Writing TM way.

One of my latest clients said something like 'I don't know what you did, but all the pain has gone and it was there for ages ....'.  Well, it's what I've been doing, more so since leaving mainstream AQF (Any Qualified Provider) systems in 2012.

It's all coming out, what is inside of me in books if you want to learn more and improve your own confidence, self-esteem and resilience in a complex universal system of trauma that surrounds us in a terrorised global system.

I'm going to continue what I am good at doing for the good of mankind, as best  I can.


We meet again, in this space and I know that you now that I know, you want to make a connection. Because making a connection is all we humans want to make, to be understood, isn't it.  I know that understanding is difficult, that's why the world is in a mess and no one seems to be able to sort it out. Man has ruled out God in so many ways but maybe if we look into the creation of all our dreams and hopes we might find the Creator of all things.  It's so good isn't it that we can wake up in the morning and make choices about what we need to do to be happy, because do you know it's a characteristic we were born with.  Let's all tap into that happiness and be grateful for the miracle of life and align our timelines to rid ourselves of darkness and go into the light.

Jennifer Hooper : Sunday 2 April 2017

 Press Release - Psychotherapist , Author, Jennifer Hooper ... read more ...
15 March 2017

How to Deal With Anxiety in book form is due to be released April/May 2017

(c) Jennifer Hooper 2017