Aggressive Phantasies
Courtesy Dr Penny Spikins, Holly Rutherford and Andy Needham
So, you are the Master of all knowledge, are you?
“Yes, kill or be killed, annihilate the enemy, always
Make instant gratification a priority in the present and
Care for no one; that includes family and friends”.
And, if you don’t mind me asking, what does a person
Get from a regressive attitude? “Peace and calm in the heart”.
Peace and calm in the heart? So by doing excessive
‘Aggression’, do you mean you get peace and calm?
I can appreciate, that might be your highest
Intention, however, I just wondered, have you
Ever thought about doing ‘love’ and caring about your family
And friends, to actually get peace and calm in your heart?
Beyond survival and a sense of guilt, it's much better to
Be motivated towards win-win isn't it.
(c) Jennifer Hooper 2010